There is no doubt that Silda Wall Spitzer not only looked so dosed for her husband's press conference that she might have fallen asleep and hit her head on the podium but, she looks as if she's aged about ten years overnight. (Disclosure: the photo on the left was probably not taken last week.) Okay, so maybe it's not all peaches and cream being married to someone so immensely wealthy. Wait, what am I saying?! Of course it's peaches and cream! But, c'mon! Her whole 'stand by your man' routine seems especially unbecoming given the fact that she is a lawyer and an officer of the court and therefore perhaps it might have been better not to appear so mellow that she is seen to condone his actions in a potentially very messy legal sit-chee-a-shun. Seriously, what did he do? Slip her a mickey finn and then beg, "Pretty pleath will you come wid me to de-sniff, sniff, preth conference? "