Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ladydog Loo

All the recent blather about "Lipstick on a pig" faded as the country collectively realized what a near total financial failure looks like. We have $400 billion dollars in national debt thanks to the current presidential administration and the Congress. Now, there are ongoing talks about the proposed $700 billion dollar bailout plan. There are lots and lots of smart people and not-so-smart people offering solutions. I don't have any answers. What I do have is one very cute dog so, I thought I'd just share some pics with you:
Ladydog Loo appreciates Fall foliage.
Loo knows how to wear a feather with elan.
Loo appreciates the outdoors and fine art, too.
Loo knows how to make a heart with her paws...
Loo makes an excellent napping partner.