These are some of the images I grew up with in the 70's: crochet bikinis promoting vague (yet, potentially soggy) athleticism, interracial harmony, and easy sexuality. McCall's made it seem as if we could all knit our way to world peace.
Despite the creepy nostril and mustache in the background of the less-than-subtle "EASY TO MAKE" photo, I still find myself strongly drawn to these styles. It's my inner nun speaking, I'm sure but, I'm rather surprised that they haven't made a comeback. Go figure.
By the way, it helps to rock out to the MC5 when looking at these clothes:
(Actually, almost everything is better while listening to the MC5.)Or, if you're in the mood for something lighter, watch Goldie Hawn on Laugh-In:
*Side effects of reading the Gamoo may include a marked increase in joy, a broad smile and a desire to leave all misery behind. Only you can know if the Gamoo is right for you.