Thursday, February 12, 2009

Fairyland News Report

This morning several inhabitants of the Magic Forest weighed in with their thoughts on the $789 billion dollar economic stimulus plan. First up was the Wicked Witch who was in the midst of using a filthy green fingernail to pick some spinach out of two of her last remaining teeth, 
 "It's too much. What does the government think us taxpayers are made of, candy?"
Next was Prince Charming who reluctantly put down his Blackberry and said,
"Hey, as long as I can get a loan for my new Beemer, it's just right."
Nearby Goldilocks stroked her long, double-processed hair and let out a pensive sigh while eyeing the Prince,
"It probably isn't nearly enough."
Cinderella then moved a bit closer to the Prince and possessively placed her hand around the Prince's bicep, rolled her eyes and whispered, "She's such a slut."